Tu comida favorita de McDonald’s ahora viene con Wi-Fi gratis! Encuentra un restaurante participante cerca de ti y lee nuestras preguntas frecuentes. Instrucciones para conectarse al Wi-Fi de McDonald’s: Qué bueno que tengo una Mac.
Fred MacAllister agosto 0 20Comments. Surf the web, check-in and chat with friends while you eat. Connectivity Wi-Fi Service Connectivity Wi-Fi Service provides internet connectivity, in-store network management, bandwidth prioritization and . Deel je mening door deze korte vragenlijst in te vullen.
Als dank voor je feedback krijg je van ons een gratis drankje bij je volgende aankoop. McDonald’s Australia FREE WiFi Roll-Out Status – COMPLETED. McDonald’s the largest provider of Free WiFi Internet Access in Australia. In the first six years of McDonald’s Wi-Fi, they charged customers a fee. On January 1 201 they stopped charging.
Find out more about being McDonald’s employee and apply online in our careers. When in the McDonald’s restaurant, just turn on your Wi-Fi on your device. Get free WiFi at McDonald’s restaurants starting today!
The fast food chain, which has been charging customers $2.