App face

Transform your face using Artificial Intelligence in just one tap! Add beautiful smile – Get younger or older – Become more attractive – Change gender. Mantenerte al día con tus amigos nunca había sido tan rápido.

In the era of the selfie, there’s no shortage of apps that can make you better looking, turn you into a dog, or even swap your face onto someone . Add beautiful smile – Get younger or older – Swap gender. Face App es muy fácil de usar, primero de todo te tienes que hacer una foto en horizontal.

A continuación abres la aplicación y accedes a la . The app is iOS only and very hit-and-miss. You can see it did quite a good job with Trump up top, but that’s because his face is quite small in . The Face It watch face app lets you customize your watch face with any photo from your mobile device. Download the app, choose an image from your photo .