Cerradura de huella digital sólo funciona en Android 6. Desbloquear más fácil y rápidamente. AppBlock – Stay Focused is android application that helps you (its users) to block temporarily distracting applications on his mobile so that you can stay focused .
The #ad blocker with over 2million downloads. Con esta utilidad podrás bloquear o desbloquear apps en función de la hora. Protege tu móvil de manos curiosas con App Lock header.
En cachéBloque aplicaciones para que no te distraigan.
AppBlock es una aplicación que nos permitirá bloquear temporalmente ciertas aplicaciones. Enjoy the world’s most beloved puzzle game for FREE! Easy to play, and pleasurable game for all . Adblock Plus es el bloqueador de publicidad más popular del mercado. Está disponible para Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Android e Internet Explorer. Block Apps Using Netsanity’s Appblocker!
With a single click block unblock over 50+ Apps. Plus, on Androi disable any installed app. Perhaps sensing a shift in the zeitgeist, The New York Times has run no less than three stories over the past week about unplugging from the . Editor’s Note: There is a more recent version of this article which includes new apps that block mobile distractions here.