Huawei Wear is an app that helps you manage your Huawei wearable devices, providing you with a complete, consistent, and convenient user experience. Huawei Wear is an integrated Huawei wearable product application data and services, to provide users with a complete, consistent, convenient .
Registra tu tiempo de ejercicio diario. Huawei Wear es una app desarrollada por Huawei Device Co. Descargate la ultima app actulizada de Huawei Wear.
Huawei Wear, the companion app to the OEM’s bands, has received an update.
When picking out a new device to connect to, the app suggests . I just got a watch and I flashed it with AW2. Everything works fine except it doesn’t sync with the Huawei app. Huawei Wear: esta aplicación de Huawei te permitirá gestionar tu ejercicio diario a través de la Huawei.
Huawei Wear is an integrated Huawei wearable product application data and services, to provide users with a complete, consistent, convenient experience.