States of usa

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of states a federal district (where the nation’s seat of government—Washington, D.C.—is located) . En cachéSimilaresTraducir esta páginaA U. There are states, which are bound together in a union with each other.

Number‎: ‎50Government‎: ‎State governmentPopulations‎: ‎585(‎Wyoming‎) – 325017. Category‎: ‎Federated stateList of U. Four states (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky) are officially named a .

This site lists the states in the US and facts about each state. Key state data, such as population and state abbreviation, is also shown. US States- Find map of USA with states name in abbreviation and also get list of all the states in alphabetical order.

Fifty States of the United States of America. Click on the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation of the name; click on the state name to see a web page about . With states in total, there is a lot of geography trivia to learn about the United States. This map quiz game is here to help.